Decarbonisation Seminar

  • Shanghai, China
  • 13 May 2024
  • Available seats -6
  • Payment: visa visa visa visa

Course price

BIMCO member EUR 205
Non-member EUR 290


10% group discount is available for registering 3 or more participants from the same company. Cannot be combined with any other discount.


13 May 2024, 13:00 – 16:30 

The complexities of maritime decarbonisation are underscored by the industry's multifaceted challenges in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The European Union (EU) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) have implemented new rules to address this imperative. The EU and the IMO have set ambitious emission reduction targets for the shipping sector, encouraging the adoption of alternative fuels and energy-efficient technologies.

Simultaneously, the IMO’s strategy for reducing GHG Emissions from ships outlines a phased approach towards decarbonisation. These regulations necessitate significant technological and operational changes for shipowners, charterers, and operators. Achieving compliance involves navigating intricate compliance frameworks, especially considering the diverse nature of vessels and trades.

What will you learn?

• Mapping Future Relationships: Understand the evolving dynamics between ship owners, managers, and stakeholders, emphasising the importance of cooperation and data exchange in navigating future challenges.
• EU ETS and CII Insights: Explore the complexities of the EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) and Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) status, identifying challenges and gaps in their implementation.
• Global Decarbonisation Initiatives: Gain insights into various regional and international decarbonisation initiatives on the horizon, recognising their potential impact on the maritime industry.
• Contractual Aspect of Decarbonisation: Understand the contractual landscape, focusing on the clauses for ship management contracts and time and voyage charter parties, including challenges in creating decarbonisation rider clauses for existing contracts.

Course programme

Why choose to participate?

The maritime industry consists of a web of internationally linked contracts and maritime conventions, profoundly impacting the commercial dynamics of cargo ships. These operations involve a complex network of contracts, including charter parties, bills of lading, commodity sale contracts, and letters of credit. The impact of new international regulation on decarbonisation adds a new layer of contractual complexity, setting shipping apart from other industries such as heavy industry, manufacturing, and aviation. Behind it all is the very nature of shipping, which is often spot-driven and introduces additional intricacies into the contractual landscape.

The BIMCO Training seminar aims to go beyond viewing decarbonisation as a regulatory issue. It is also a commercial contractual issue where the parties must exchange data and cooperate in new ways, even though they may have different or even opposite commercial interests to protect.

How will this course help your professional development?

This training seminar offers a unique perspective, emphasising that decarbonisation is not just a regulatory issue but a commercial contractual challenge. Participants will gain insights into the commercial necessity of data exchange and cooperation among parties with varying commercial interests.

Course certification

Participants will receive a certificate of attendance. BIMCO can issue certificates meeting the Continuing Legal Education (CLE) requirements upon request.

Course materials

BIMCO issues electronic course files as an Adobe PDF file, enabling you to make personal notes. All documentation and presentations will be in English.


Lars Robert Pedersen

Lars Robert Pedersen

Andrew Rigden Green


Shirley Li



Wei Zhuang


Sibyl Xu



  • 30F, Jin mao Tower
  • No. 88 Century Avenue
  • Pudong
  • Shanghai
  • China

The fee includes coffee breaks, lunch and course materials, but not transport or accommodation, which should be arranged by the participant directly with the hotel.

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Need more information?

Peter Grube

Peter Grube, Head of Training