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Restrictions & Sanctions

Trading restrictions (Turkey)

Trading restrictions imposed against Turkey

  • None

Trading restrictions imposed by Turkey

According to information received from local contacts the following are prohibited from calling at Turkish ports.  

  • Cypriot flag vessels.
  • Cypriot registered vessels.
  • Cypriot vessels registered under a second flag (''double nationality vessels'').
  • Vessels which are the property (whole or in part, including shares) of persons who reside in Cyprus, irrespective of their nationality.
  • Vessels which are the property (whole or in part, including shares) of persons who are Cypriot Citizens, irrespective of the country they reside in.
  • Vessels which are the property (whole or in part, including shares) of persons with double nationality, one of which is Cypriot.
  • Vessels which are the property (whole or in part, including shares) of corporate entities registered in Cyprus, including their overseas offices.
  • Vessels under Cypriot management (commercial / operational) regardless of flag / ownership.
    Non Cypriot flagged, owned and/or operated vessels with   crew and / or technical management with a Cypriot company only should not face restrictions when calling Turkish ports.
  • Vessels carrying cargo of Cypriot origin. 
  • Liner vessels, regardless of their flag, sailing directly between Cyprus and Turkey. 
  • Tramp vessels calling at Greek Cypriot ports to load/discharge before or after calling at a Turkish port.  
  • Cypriot vessels will be allowed passage through the Turkish Straits with or without pilot, however no other services or provisions will be given, including bunker supply. 
  • Cypriot vessels forced to take anchor at a Turkish port due to an emergency, such as a collision or an engine failure, are entitled to services only after careful investigation by the authorities. However, such assistance, other than that rendered for humanitarian purposes, will be kept at a minimum. 
  • Non Cypriot flagged, owned and/or operated vessels which have formerly been under the Cypriot flag, calling at Turkish ports are required to stay at anchorage, after which their documents must be promptly submitted to the Harbour Master's office for review. Vessels which can prove having left the Cypriot registry (i.e. in possession of a "deletion certificate" issued by the Cypriot registry) and having registered at another Country will meet the legal requirements and be allowed to perform loading/unloading operations.

    Agents are instrumental in advising the authorities of vessels' earlier owners and registries, therefore in order to avoid problems it is advisable to provide agents with a background of the vessels registry well in advance. The authorities are said to rely on the Lloyd's Register of Shipping to confirm the accuracy of the information submitted.

See also United Nations

Restrictions & sanctions (Turkey)


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