Shipping industry calls for release of Galaxy Leader crew still held captive


Today - Monday 19 February 2024 – marks the three-month anniversary since the Houthis seized the Galaxy Leader and its 25 seafarers in the Red Sea. The vessel, a roll-on/roll-off vehicle carrier, was seized on the 19 November. The maritime industry has joined together from around the world to express their concern for the seafarers who have been held hostage, and call on the Houthis to release the crew of the Galaxy Leader.

“The 25 seafarers who make up the crew of the Galaxy Leader are innocent victims of the ongoing aggression against world shipping, and their plight is a major concern as the merchant shipping community continues to come under attack.

“All efforts must be made by international organisations and States to secure the release of the seafarers.”

“It is abhorrent that seafarers were seized by military forces and that they have been kept from their families and loved ones for too long. All 25 crew members of the Galaxy Leader must be released now”.

Please kindly see below the full list of co-signatories to this statement.

 Asian Shipowners Association (ASA)  Asociación de Navieros Españoles (ANAVE)
 Yuichi Sonoda, Secretary General  Elena Seco, Director General
 Bahamas Shipowners Association  BIMCO
 Domenico Rognoni, Chairman  David Loosley, Secretary General & CEO
 Chamber of Marine Commerce  Chamber of Shipping of America
 Bruce Burrows, President & CEO  Kathy J Metcalf, President
Confitarma    Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA)
 Mario Zanetti, President  Kelly Craighead, President & CEO
 Cyprus Shipping Chamber  Danish Shipping
 Thomas Kazakos, Director General  Anne H. Steffensen, Director General & CEO
 European Community Shipowners’ Association (ECSA)  FONASBA (The Federation of National Associations of Ship Brokers and Agents)
 Sotiris Raptis, Secretary General  Javier Dulce, President



 Jim Scorer, Secretary General  Capt. Kuba Szymanski, Secretary General
 International Association of Ports & Harbors (IAPH)  International Chamber of Shipping
International Christian Maritime Association  International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA)
 Dr. Jason Zuidema, General Secretary  Iain Grainger, CEO 
 International Maritime Employers’ Council (IMEC)   International Parcel Tankers Association (IPTA)
 Francesco Gargiulo, Chief Executive Officer  Manish Jain, Chairman
 International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)  Japanese Shipowners’ Association (JSA)
 Stephen Cotton, General Secretary  Toshiya Morishige, Director General
 Liberian Shipowners’ Council Ltd (LSC)  Norwegian Shipowners’ Association (NSA)
 Kierstin Del Valle Lachtman, Secretary General  Harald Solberg, CEO
 Royal Association of Netherlands Shipowners (KVNR)  Swiss Shipowners Association (SSA)
 Annet Koster, Managing Director  Eric André, President
 The Seamen’s Church Institute  UK Chamber of Shipping
 The Rev. Mark Nestlehutt, President & Executive Director  Sarah Treseder, CEO
 World Shipping Council (WSC)  
 John W. Butler, President and CEO  

Mette Kronholm Frænde
in Copenhagen, DK


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