BIMCO launches survey to highlight biofouling management


Biofouling is getting increasing attention and pressure for biofouling management is mounting. Therefore, BIMCO is launching a survey to gain insight into how shipowners are managing the topic.

Biofouling management is an important issue for several reasons. Fouling on a ship's hull significantly reduces hydrodynamic performance and increases fuel consumption. Furthermore, biofouling impacts ships’ emissions and potentially transfers invasive species.

The industry has recently seen local and regional regulation that mandates the use of a biofouling management plan. One example is New Zealand, where all ships arriving in the country from 1 May 2018, are required to have a clean hull in accordance with the Craft Risk Management Standard for Biofouling (CRMS). Australia and the Unites States have also announced their own regulation covering biofouling management.

How do you manage biofouling?

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is currently working to address how to improve biofouling management. In order to advice the IMO on how shipowners are managing biofouling, BIMCO is launching a survey and strongly encourages its members to participate by using this link: 

What is BIMCO doing?

In response to growing concerns over the impact of hull biofouling on the marine environment, BIMCO and a group of industry partners have set out to create an internationally recognised standard on underwater hull and propeller cleaning.

The group consists of eight different organisations, including paint manufacturers, ship owners and cleaning companies taking a holistic approach to establish an international standard that will work in practice. The standard is expected to be finalized in the autumn of 2019. Read more about the initiative here.

BIMCO has also produced a Hull Fouling Clause for Time Charter Parties, which sets out the physical circumstances and the point in time when the responsibility for hull fouling passes from the owners to the charterers when an extended period of idleness is due to charterers’ orders.


Mette Kronholm Frænde
in Copenhagen, DK


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VPS Bunker Alerts

Veritas Petroleum Services (VPS) publish regular Bunker Alerts based entirely on fuel samples and have kindly permitted BIMCO’s Members to access this information.

The Bunker Alerts are not intended to be an evaluation of overall bunker quality in the port or area concerned, but usually highlight a specific parameter within the fuel which has raised a quality issue.

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