EU Naval Force Somalia - Operation Atalanta - Press Release


At a breakfast meeting earlier today with senior shipping industry representatives, the EU Naval Force Operation Commander, Major General Martin Smith MBE, stated that whilst Somali-based piracy in the Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden is suppressed, there is no room for complacency regarding the ongoing threat.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Collective effort by maritime industry and naval forces keep pirate attacks suppressed: EU Naval Force Operation Commander, Major General Martin Smith MBE

At a breakfast meeting earlier today with senior shipping industry representatives, the EU Naval Force Operation Commander, Major General Martin Smith MBE, stated that whilst Somali-based piracy in the Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden is suppressed, there is no room for complacency regarding the ongoing threat.

Major General Smith welcomed the significant reduction in pirate attacks since 2012, stating that this had been achieved by the ‘collective effort’ of shipping companies and dedicated naval forces, including the European Union Naval Force. The General warned however that whilst opportunity for pirates to get out to sea and attack ships had reduced, the pirates’ intent and capability remains.

Speaking during the meeting, Major General Smith said:

“It is clear that we have (together) come a long way since early 2011, when 736 hostages and 32 ships were being held for ransom in anchorages off Somali beaches.

“However, the recent incidents of Iranian dhows being captured by groups of armed men demonstrate that there are still some who are prepared to go out to sea and take vessels for ransom.”

One of the dhows, Siraj, and its crew, is still being held after being captured at sea in March 2015.

Major General Smith went on to say that because of the naval patrols and merchant vessels’ self-protection measures, including the use of private armed security teams (PAST), in the Indian Ocean, counter-piracy forces assess that the threat from long-range pirate attacks in the near future is reduced. He added:

“Collectively we have been able to curtail their use of mother ships to attack far from the coast, but I remain convinced that if pirates perceive that we are lowering our guard, they will seize the opportunity and plan an attack on a vulnerable ship. And if they take one ship, this could re-energise their business model which, you know all too well, could cost the international community and shipping industry dearly.”

EU Naval Force’s main tasks are to escort merchant vessels carrying humanitarian aid for the World Food Programme (WFP) and vessels of AMISOM as they transit along the Somali coast, and to deter and disrupt piracy in the Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean. EU Naval Force warships also monitor fishing activity off the coast of Somalia.

The current EU Naval Force mandate runs until December 2016. In the coming months, EU Member States will carry out a strategic review of the piracy threat to enable them to make a collective decision on how best to proceed post-2016.


Notes to editors

Major General Smith was speaking during BIMCO’s Breakfast Briefing on maritime security, as part of London International Shipping week 2015.

For further information regarding the EU Naval Force Somalia – Operation Atalanta, please go to

If you would like to request a visit to the Operational HQ in Northwood or interview Major General Smith, please contact EU Naval Force Spokesperson, Commander Jacqui Sherriff Royal Navy by email:


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Gemma Wilkie
By Gemma Wilkie
in Copenhagen, DK


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