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September 2020

BIMCO updates information on seafarers' Mental Health

BIMCO provides updated information to assist seafarers to cope with the continuous challenges of COVID-19.

Panama Maritime Authority to stop grant of extension to Seafarer's Employment Agreement

The Panama Maritime Authority (PMA) will continue to extend the Seafarer's Employment Agreement (SEA) until 14 September 2020. Thereafter, the provisions of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC,2006) as incorporated into the national legislation will have to be complied with.

Singapore revises crew change requirements and establishes a Crew Facilitation Centre

To facilitate crew changes in a safe manner and against COVID-19 risks, Singapore revises crew change requirements and sets up Crew Facilitation centre  from 1st September 2020.

August 2020

July 2020

Self-quarantine is crucial for crew change in Singapore

Following an incident where a crew member was diagnosed with COVID-19 upon arrival in Singapore, the Singapore Shipowners Association is reiterating the importance of self-quarantine.

Survey launched to explore how shipping is coping with Covid-19

An industry-wide survey calling on seafarers and shore-staff to share their Covid-19 workforce insights has been launched by Lloyd’s Register and marine industry partners to understand how the pandemic has affected, and continues to affect the industry and the health and mental wellbeing of its employees.

June 2020

BIMCO launches information page focusing on seafarers’ mental health

To assist seafarers and their mental wellbeing in coping with the challenges imposed by COVID-19 pandemic, BIMCO compiles a list of useful resources to enable seafarers to seek free, immediate and direct help. Members are highly recommended to inform their seafarers of this availability. 

UNCTAD joins hands with IMO urging collaborative action to designate seafarers as key workers to keep trade flowing

UNCTAD and IMO issue joint-statement calling for action by government states to facilitate crew changes.

General port information access to be limited to members

Since March, when COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, the BIMCO port information database has been publicly open and free to use. However, as the virus gradually retreats and a new normal is expected, the general port information – including holiday information – will once again be limited to BIMCO members.

BIMCO applauds Hong Kong for pragmatic approach to crew change

Following several discussions with the Hong Kong Shipowners Association, the administration in Hong Kong is opening for conditional but unrestricted crew change in Hong Kong.