Annual membership update guide

How to update fleet, staff and company details

Updating your company, staff and fleet details take place from the “My Account” section on The link to this section is found in the top of your screen next to your name.

If you cannot see this, you need to click on the orange button at the top of the screen to log in.

To retrieve a new password, please go to: 

Kindly note that the re-activation link will only be active for a short period of time.

When you are logged in and click on the “My Account” section, you will see  seven sections:

The annual update requires company and staff details (as well as fleet details when you have an owner member category membership) to be updated.

You can see that your annual update has been completed once the circle shows 100% completion.


Update company details

Users who have been assigned the “company updater” role may update company details.

The update company module allows you to edit your company information. All companies must supply basic contact details as well as an email address for invoicing. The product invoicing address is used for invoices regarding products such as SmartCon and the Shipping KPI system.

Before completing the company update, the following three sections must be considered:

Employee statistics, invoicing details and if your company should appear in BIMCO’s membership directory online.

Your annual company update is complete once you click the large orange button “these details are current”  at the end of the page to confirm all changes.


Update staff details


Everyone with a staff updater role of a company can assign roles to his/her colleagues as well as add/delete contact persons. The first section of the staff details page shows who has this role within your company.

In the staff list you can see a full list of all contact persons registered under your company. Contact persons are listed alphabetically. The contact person with the gold star next to his/her name is our primary contact person within your company.

To add a contact, click on the large blue button “Add new employee”. Kindly note that new contact persons can be created – at no extra cost – for all staff within the office/location that holds the membership.

To delete a contact, please click on the garbage can next to the person.

The list shows which contact persons have a webaccount = a login for the BIMCO website and it also shows which contact persons who have accepted our privacy policy. We encourage all staff to also have a webaccount to take full advantage of the BIMCO membership and make use of the information on our website. With a login you will also be able to receive news and updates from us (see below for further details on how to sign up for news).

To see/edit the details for each contact person, click on the pencil icon next to a contact person in the staff list.

You can now see this person’s contact details as well as which business or updater roles are assigned to the person.

To improve the direct dialogue with our members, BIMCO has defined a list of roles so that we can target the right persons within your company with the right information. We strongly encourage you to assign all business roles to one or more persons for each role.

To add more roles, click in the “Select roles” section and a drop-down menu appears. Select the new role(s) from the menu. To delete roles, simply click on the “X” next to each role.

The following roles are available (note: the selection varies according to member type):

  • Primary contact person (Mandatory – can only be appointed to one person)
    • Be the key point of contact for all BIMCO matters within your company
  • Accounts & Finances
    • Be the recipient of invoices
  • CEO
    • To receive information directed at maritime leaders and special invites for events
  • Chartering
    • To receive market reports and analyses, etc.
  • HR & Education
    • To receive new offers and opportunities from BIMCO’s training activities
  • Legal
    • To receive latest updates on new clauses and contracts
  • Operations & Commercial
    • To receive information about holidays/working hours, port updates etc.
  • Security Officer and CCA contact
    • To receive the latest updates on critical developments on piracy and drug smuggling
    • See more about Customs Co-ordination Agreements later in this guide
  • Technical
    • To receive updates on new regulatory developments and warnings on problematic cargo


The updater and administrator roles include:

  • Company updater (mandatory – minimum one for each member company – all membership categories)
    • Has the rights to update company details incl. address, email, phone number etc.
  • Fleet updater (mandatory – minimum one for each BIMCO owner member company)
    • Has the rights to update fleet details incl. adding/deleting vessels
  • SMARTCON account administrator
    • Has the rights to administer your company’s account for creating contracts. This is a separate product and is not included in the membership, but BIMCO members receive a substantial discount when using SMARTCON
  • Shipping KPI (now known as SHIP PI) account administrator
    • Has the rights to administer your company’s account for the SHIP PI. This is a separate product and is not included in the membership, but BIMCO members receive a substantial discount. This product is only available to BIMCO owner members defined as owners, operators and managers
  • Staff updater (mandatory – minimum one for each member company – all membership categories)
    • Has the rights to update staff details incl. assigning roles to other contact persons as well as adding/deleting contact persons

Once changes have been made to the contact person’s details or roles, please click the blue “save” button. 

How to sign up to receive news from BIMCO


When a contact person has a login for the BIMCO website, you will not only have access to the members’ area of the website, but you will also be able to receive news from us.

When you are logged on to, you can sign up to the newsletters by accessing:

My Account -> Subscriptions -> select subscribe to the newsletter(s) you wish to receive.


Your annual staff update is complete once you click the large orange button “these details are current” at the end of the page to confirm all changes

NOTE: Once the staff update is complete and the staff updater clicks the orange button to confirm that these details are current, an automated email will be sent to all contact persons with a web account that has not yet been activated. In this email, each contact person is asked to log in and accept BIMCO’s privacy policy.



Users who have been assigned the fleet updater role may update fleet details. As a fleet updater, you can:

  • Add, update and delete ships

To add a ship, click on the blue “Add vessel” button below the fleet list.

To update a ship’s name or DWT, click on the blue “Update” button to the right.

To delete a ship, click on the red “Delete” button to the right.

Your annual fleet update is complete once you click the large orange button “these details are current” at the end of the page to confirm all changes



Once you have completed the staff and company details as well as fleet details when applicable, you will see that the status has changed to 100% on the My Account page. Your annual membership update is now complete.

Your annual updates are now complete.

Thank you for your assistance – well done!


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us again