BIMCO Search Results


The United Nations World Food Programme Voyage Charter Party, WORLDFOOD 2017, is a BIMCO approved document to which the UN World Food Programme holds the copyright. The contract is used for shipments of food to emergency areas to save the lives of victims of war, civil conflict and natural disasters... Please follow the link to continue reading.


The United Nations World Food Programme Voyage Charter Party, WORLDFOOD 99, is a BIMCO approved document to which the World Food Programme holds the copyright. The contract is used for shipments of food to emergency areas to save the lives of victims of war, civil conflict and natural disasters. The... Please follow the link to continue reading.


The WORLDFOODRECEIPT 2017 is a non-negotiable cargo receipt that was developed to be used for shipments under the WORLDFOOD 2017 charter party. The latest edition of this cargo receipt is WORLDFOODRECEIPT 2017. Copyright in WORLDFOODRECEIPT 2017 is held by BIMCO.

Explanatory notes

Introduction With close to 20 years since its last revision, the WORLDFOOD charter party was due for an update. While the mandate of the UN humanitarian organisation World Food Programme (WFP) remains to fight hunger globally, commercial practice and the law have changed since the last edition was p... Please follow the link to continue reading.


The WORLDFOODRECEIPT 99 is a non-negotiable cargo receipt that was developed to be used for shipments under the WORLDFOOD 99 charter party. The latest edition of this cargo receipt is WORLDFOODRECEIPT 2017 and the latest edition of the charter party is WORLDFOOD 2017.

Documentary Committee approves new SUPPLYTIME

The spring meeting of the Documentary Committee, chaired by Francis Sarre, was held in Rome on 6 June. The sixty-strong committee discussed an extensive and diverse range of documentary projects and approved for publication three new contracts and one clause.