BIMCO Search Results

Ship Sales Further Trading Clause 2023

The intention and purpose of the BIMCO Ship Sales Further Trading Clause 2023 (the “Clause”) is for the Buyers and Sellers of a Vessel to agree that the Vessel will continue to trade. This provides the Sellers with a reasonable level of protection and reduces any risk that they will be held liable f... Please follow the link to continue reading.

BIMCO standard ship repair contracts overhauled

BIMCO has revised and updated its two standard ship repair contracts: REPAIRCON, which is for major work at a repair yard; and MINREPCON, which is for minor repair work that can be done by contractors when a ship is in port.

Repair Facilities- Details and Contacts

Shipyard, with limited equipment and a dry dock of 200.0 m x 19.0 m at the bottom and a depth of 8.0 m can carry out ordinary ship repairs.   Diver and frogmen available.

Terms of Use

Shipping KPI Standard Version 4.0 and SHIP PI platform , Date: May  2024