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REPAIRCON 2018 is a standard contract for ship repairs. It can be amended to be used for ship conversion work as well. The latest edition of this contract is REPAIRCON 2018, issued in 2018. Copyright in REPAIRCON 2018 is held by BIMCO.


REPAIRCON is a standard contract for ship repairs. It can be amended to be used for ship conversion work as well. The latest edition of this contract is REPAIRCON 2018. Copyright in REPAIRCON is held by BIMCO.


MINREPCON 2018 is a standard contract for minor afloat repairs at a commercial berth or anchorage. It is not meant to be an alternative to REPAIRCON 2018, which is the recommended contract for contracting with ship repairers or major sub-contractors. MINREPCON 2018 is intended to be used by shipowne... Please follow the link to continue reading.


REPAIRCON is the standard contract for use in connection with major ship repairs, in a wet or dry dock, at a shipyard or similar facility. The form was originally issued in 2002. In the light of experience and changes in practice over the intervening period, a Subcommittee, comprising representative... Please follow the link to continue reading.

BIMCO standard ship repair contracts overhauled

BIMCO has revised and updated its two standard ship repair contracts: REPAIRCON, which is for major work at a repair yard; and MINREPCON, which is for minor repair work that can be done by contractors when a ship is in port.


In contrast to REPAIRCON which is the standard agreement for major ship repair works carried out at a contractors’ yard, MINREPCON is the recommended contract for minor works or maintenance. MINREPCON will typically be used for arrangements with a local plumber, electrician or carpenter to attend on... Please follow the link to continue reading.


Ship conversion projects range from small scale modifications to full scale conversions when, for example, a ship is converted for a whole new purpose. CONVERSIONCON is designed to be scalable for both small and large projects. This is achieved using annexes and industry-familiar clauses that are fo... Please follow the link to continue reading.


Ship conversions are typically "one off" projects, which conceptually rest somewhere on a spectrum between repair and newbuilding. Smaller conversions are typically closer to repairs, whereas larger conversions are closer to newbuildings. CONVERSIONCON has been designed for larger conversions but re... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

Explanatory Notes LAYUPMAN Explanatory Notes 2 Part I LAYUPMAN Explanatory Notes 3 Part II Terms and Conditions Part II of LAYUPMAN Section 1 – Basis of the Agreement Clause 1 (Definitions) Clause 2 (Commencement and Appointment) LAYUPMAN Explanatory Notes 4 ... Please follow the link to continue reading.