BIMCO Search Results

What are the differences between demurrage and detention?

Demurrage forms an integrated part of the laytime provisions in voyage charter parties operating with fixed laytime. Just as voyage freight, the amount of demurrage negotiated reflects the current market conditions and not necessarily the daily cost of the vessel. This means that it is just as impor... Please follow the link to continue reading.

About us and our members

BIMCO – the practical voice of shipping Facilitating trade is at the very heart of our business, and since 1905, we’ve helped our members keep world trade moving. We make it our business to help our members with theirs. BIMCO members cover 62% of the world's tonnage and consist of local, global, s... Please follow the link to continue reading.

BIMCO's EEXI/CII and ETS Clauses imminent

In a little over a year from now, new legislation from the International Maritime Organization (IMO) will come into force. It aims to reduce CO2 emissions and will change the way ships are operated. From 1 January 2023, owners and charterers will therefore have to cooperate to comply with the new re... Please follow the link to continue reading.