BIMCO Search Results

BIMCO supports latest report from Oceans Beyond Piracy

BIMCO has continued its support for the Oceans Beyond Piracy (OBP) “The State of Maritime Piracy” report, launched today, which provides the latest available picture on how piracy is affecting the shipping industry – and beyond.

US regulations affecting your ships - get the January update!

This is the latest in a series of reports supplied by the Chamber of Shipping of America (CSA) with the intention of keeping BIMCO members appraised of legislative developments in the US affecting international shipping. BIMCO highlights only the relevant developments that would impact members. The ... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Preventing pest container contamination

Preventing pest container contamination was one of the many items discussed at IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 98). Cyber risk management, autonomous ships, security and adoption of amendments to mandatory instruments were also on the agenda.

MSC 98 will consider the future for unmanned shipping

For the first time, IMO will discuss the maritime autonomous ships. The use of autonomous ships – or so-called unmanned ships - will create the need for a regulatory framework for such ships and their interaction and co-existence with manned ships.

Nigeria - Warri

MEMBER CONTENT – login using the orange button at the top of the page to view.

Gabon - Port Gentil

MEMBER CONTENT – login using the orange button at the top of the page to view.

Gabon - Libreville

MEMBER CONTENT – login using the orange button at the top of the page to view.

Nigeria - Calabar

MEMBER CONTENT – login using the orange button at the top of the page to view.