BIMCO Search Results

BIMCO demands 4th IMO GHG Study based on realistic economic growth

BIMCO has proposed that the Fourth International Maritime Organization (IMO) Greenhouse Gas Study does not include unrealistically high gross domestic product (GDP) growth projections to predict future transport demand - and thereby emissions - of the shipping industry. The proposal has been made to... Please follow the link to continue reading.

ETS – Emission Scheme Freight Clause for Voyage Charter Parties 2023

This clause is one from a suite of three clauses developed by the subcommittee for the voyage charter party context. The objective was to provide industry stakeholders with the flexibility to choose a procedure suitable for their specific trade and business. You should consider whether this Emission... Please follow the link to continue reading.

BIMCO's documentary work – alternative fuels

BIMCO takes the lead in developing contractual tools for the maritime industry's transition to greener practices, addressing alternative fuels and the FuelEU Maritime Regulation through the establishment of subcommittees.

Industry backs United Nations $5 billion "moon-shot" programme to decarbonise shipping

Responding to the UN Secretary-General’s call for “urgency and ambition” on climate change, the entire global shipping industry is giving “full and unequivocal” backing to a moon-shot proposal submitted by governments, to catalyse the complete decarbonisation of maritime transport by deployment at s... Please follow the link to continue reading.