BIMCO Search Results

Force Majeure Clause 2022

This clause addresses force majeure events occurring under contracts used by the shipping industry that affects the performance of the parties. It is a model clause that should be carefully reviewed by the parties and adapted as required to fit the context of the type of contract it is used in.

BIMCO force majeure clause under way

With an increasing focus on force majeure due to the COVID-19 outbreak, BIMCO has gathered a drafting team to develop a free-standing force majeure clause for use in a variety of contracts.

BIMCO Force Majeure Clause 2022 launched

The unforeseen events of recent years have demonstrated how beneficial it can be for parties to contractually “expect the unexpected” – whether the event is extraordinary weather conditions caused by climate change or a pandemic. To help parties prepare for the unexpected, BIMCO has published a new ... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory Notes

The clause comprehensively sets out a complete code to address force majeure with a detailed and up to date definition of force majeure events. The rationale is that when a force majeure event occurs, the parties will find themselves in a crisis situation and will benefit from a contractual regime a... Please follow the link to continue reading.

COVID-19 and its consequences on shipbuilding contracts

The spread of the COVID-19 virus is causing significant issues in the shipbuilding industry, but English law has no general concept of force majeure, and this is a key factor in the relationship between shipyards and shipowners.