BIMCO Search Results

Sanctions Clause for Time Charter Parties 2020

The sanctions landscape has grown increasingly complex since BIMCO published its Sanctions Clause for Time Charter Parties in 2010. International sanctions regimes are constantly changing with new restrictions being added and new persons and entities being listed. A violation of sanctions restrictio... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Sanctions Clause for Voyage Charter Parties 2020

The sanctions landscape has grown increasingly complex since BIMCO published its Sanctions Clause for Time Charter Parties in 2010 and the Designated Entities Clause for Charter Parties in 2013. International sanctions regimes are constantly changing with new restrictions being added and new persons... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Sanctions Clause for Container Vessel Time Charter Parties 2021

The sanctions landscape for the container trade has grown increasingly complex over the past decade. To provide the container industry with a bespoke contractual solution that addresses the practical and commercial realities of the liner trade BIMCO has developed a Sanctions Clause for Container Ves... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Leaner BARECON expected this autumn

Users of BARECON can expect BIMCO’s standard bareboat charter party to become leaner and more focussed when a new edition is released later this year.

Suspending performance under BARGEHIRE – a useful right for owners?

Under a conventional cargo time charter party, the right to suspend performance for non-payment of hire provides owners with a powerful commercial tool to leverage late hire payments. However, based on industry feedback, applying the same sanction under BARGEHIRE is impractical.