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Explanatory notes

Introduction  Standard terms and conditions Clause 1 - Definition Clause 2 - Notification Clause 3 - Liability for Carriage Between Port of Loading and Port of Discharge Clause 4 - Law and Jurisdiction  Clause 5 - The Scope of Carriage  Clause 6 - Substitution of... Please follow the link to continue reading.


Following the successful launch of BIMCO’s bilateral term sheet in 2017, SHIPTERM, it was agreed to develop a complementary form for syndicated loan transactions. The Documentary Committee approved this syndicated edition, named SHIPTERM S, in May 2018. BIMCO is grateful to the following subcommitte... Please follow the link to continue reading.


TOWCON is the industry standard contract for ocean towage on a lumpsum basis. In the latest revision, it has undergone a thorough revision to clarify ambiguities and has been restructured to make it easier to use. For example, definitions of Hirer’s and Tugowner’s Groups (SUPPLYTIME-style) have been... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

These Explanatory Notes set out the reasoning behind the clauses that are not self-explanatory. The BARECON bareboat charter was first published in 1974. It has become one of BIMCO’s most successful and widely used charter parties and was last updated in 2001. Although BARECON is rarely the subject ... Please follow the link to continue reading.


Background Emission Schemes are “cap and trade” schemes that cap the total amount of greenhouse gases to be emitted by certain vessels covered by the system.  Over time, this cap is reduced as an incentive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through increased efficiency and the use of alternative fu... Please follow the link to continue reading.

BIMCO COVID 19 weekly report dated 11 March 2022

This BIMCO COVID 19 weekly report for the week ending 11 March covers the International Maritime Organization (IMO), Russia, Ukraine, United Kingdom, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the latest from the World Health Organization (WHO).  Every week, BIMCO summarises measures imposed by... Please follow the link to continue reading.