BIMCO Search Results

Polish Szczecin is top bulk terminal in new BIMCO report

The best performing port, in BIMCO’s Dry Bulk Terminals Vetting Report 2018, is Szczecin in Poland. The report collected input from 144 ships covering 381 terminals. A total of 97% of the reports were rated as average or better, which gave an average rating of 3.6 (out of five). The result is a marg... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Global supply chain issues cement the need for shipping industry’s digitalisation

The container shipping market is currently making many headlines world-wide as freight rates and port congestion continue to reach new record highs. At the end of September, more than 50 container ships were waiting to berth outside the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach alone and 90% of those arri... Please follow the link to continue reading.


The BLACKSEAWOODBILL was developed to be used with charter parties for the transportation of timber from the then U.S.S.R. and Romanian Black Sea and Danube ports.