BIMCO Search Results

Explanatory notes

The COVID-19 Crew Change Clause has been drafted in response to the extraordinary circumstances faced by many owners whose crew have had to remain on board during the COVID-19 “lockdown” for periods often extending beyond their contracts of employment. Although travel restrictions are beginning to e... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

Special observations Clause l - Definitions Clause 2 - Period of Charter Party Clause 3 - Delivery Clause 4 - Mobilisation and/or Demobilisation Clause 5 - Substitution Clause 6 - Time for Delivery Clause 7 - Cancelling Clause 8 - Trading Limits Clause 9 -... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

Background Charterers’ failure to pay for bunkers supplied to a vessel on time charter is likely to have severe implications for owners who, although not party to the arrangements, may nevertheless find their vessel arrested, perhaps weeks or months later, for the outstanding debt. Owners are then f... Please follow the link to continue reading.

What’s on the agenda at the upcoming BIMCO Documentary Committee meeting

The BIMCO Documentary Committee (DC) is convening on 11 October to discuss and potentially adopt six crucial projects, including the CII Clause for Voyage Charter Parties, Ship Sales Further Trading Clause, ETS Allowances (ETS) Clause for SHIPMAN, Quiet Enjoyment Letters, SYNACOMEX, and WRECKSTAGE.

Explanatory notes

Background The absence of standard arrest clauses in the market has resulted in owners and operators being presented with individually drafted provisions. However, the provisions are often one-sided with charterers having the right to terminate the charter party if the vessel is not released within ... Please follow the link to continue reading.


In 2019, BIMCO decided to develop a time charter party for accommodation support vessels (ASVs) engaged in the offshore oil and gas and renewables sectors. Although the market for ASVs is relatively small the new form, which has been codenamed ASVTIME, will fill an important gap in BIMCO’s suite of ... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

Special observations PART II Clause 1 (Definitions) Clause 2 (Charter Period) Clause 3 (Delivery) Clause 4 (Time for Delivery) Clause 5 (Cancelling) Clause 6 (Trading Restrictions) Clause 7 (Surveys on Delivery and Redelivery) Clause 8 (Inspection) Clause 9 (Inve... Please follow the link to continue reading.


The BIMCO Sanctions Clause for Time Charter Parties 2020 is intended to address two scenarios. The first scenario is where the owners or charterers (or the third parties they are responsible for under the clause) are listed by a sanctioning authority or government and become subject to sanctions res... Please follow the link to continue reading.