BIMCO Search Results

An introduction to the BIMCO Holiday Calendar

Holidays play a fundamental part in shipping. Not only are holidays instrumental in determining if overtime rates have to be paid to stevedores or other port services, but in many charter parties, holidays are excepted from laytime. As such, charterers and owners will have opposing interests related... Please follow the link to continue reading.

China cuts age of import ships further to reduce emissions

The Chinese Ministry of Transport has announced new regulations requiring all ships imported for domestic use, and Chinese flagged ships for international use, to be compliant with IMO Tier II emissions standards from 1 September 2018, in a bid to cut NOx emissions from diesel engines.

Associations call for accelerating digitalisation of maritime trade and logistics

The Covid-19 crisis has painfully demonstrated the heterogeneous landscape that currently exists across ports worldwide. With the world’s attention now focused on exiting from lockdowns and preparing for a ‘new normal’, there is an urgent need to co-operate and accelerate the pace of digitalisation,... Please follow the link to continue reading.