BIMCO Search Results

04 Apr Russia added to the JWC Listed Areas – contractual implications

This short note deals with some of the key issues that may affect the obligations and rights of charterers and owners resulting from Russia being added to the JWC Listed Areas, with a focus on BIMCO clauses. In all circumstances, parties should carefully review their contractual terms for current a... Please follow the link to continue reading.


In the offshore windfarm sector, installation and support functions are entirely reliant on the use of specialised vessels ranging from jack-ups to small, high-speed passenger craft. Up until the publication of WINDTIME, offshore wind farm developers have contracted the services of these vessels usi... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

Introduction Clause 2 (Condition of Vessel)  Clause 3 (Charterers’ Inspection)  Clause 5 (Presentation and Conditioning of Cargo Tanks at the Loading Port) Clause 6 (Ownership of Heel)  Clause 7 (Voyage, Loading and Discharging Ports and Logs)  Clause 8 (Ship to Ship Tra... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

General observations  Part I Index Appendix A Part II Clause 1 - Period and Delivery Clause 2 - Trading Areas Clause 3- Cargo Restrictions and Exclusions Clause 4 - Redelivery Clause 5 - On/Off hire surveys Clause 6 - Bunkers Clause 7 - Vessel’s Gear ... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

Special observations  Part I Part II Clause 1 – Vessel’s Class and Condition Clause 2 – Vessel’s Accommodation Clause 3 – Owners’ and Master’s Authority Clause 4 - Embarkation of Passengers Clause 5 - Hire Clause 6 - Other Charges Clause 7 - Payment of Hire and Othe... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

Special observations   Part I Part II Clause 1 – Preamble Clause 2 – Loading Port(s) Clause 3 – Cargo and Deckload Clause 4 – Discharging Port(s) Clause 5 – Payment Clause 6 – The UK Timber Trade Shipowners’ Mutual Association Ltd. Clause 7 – Loading Clause 8... Please follow the link to continue reading.


TOWHIRE is the industry standard contract for ocean towage on a daily hire basis. In the latest revision, it has undergone a thorough revision to clarify ambiguities and has been restructured to make it easier to use. TOWHIRE has been aligned with TOWCON as far as possible to ensure consistency. How... Please follow the link to continue reading.


The revision of any standard agreement as internationally recognised and widely used as SALEFORM 93 is not a matter lightly undertaken. The decision to revise SALEFORM 93 was based on feedback from the global ship sale and purchase sector who were asked whether an update was needed and, if so, to wh... Please follow the link to continue reading.