BIMCO Search Results

CREWMAN B (Lump sum) 2009

CREWMAN B (Lump sum) 2009 is a standard crew management agreement whereby the managers supply the crew to the ships as principals and employers of the crew on a lump sum basis. The latest edition of this contract is CREWMAN B (Lump sum) 2009. Copyright in CREWMAN B (Lump sum) 2009 is held by BIMCO.

Strict New Zealand rules for managing biofouling from May 2018

Stricter biofouling rules for ship calling New Zealand beginning May 2018. Marine pests and diseases introduced to New Zealand on ship hulls are a potential threat to the marine environment and resources. From May 2018, all commercial and recreational ships arriving in New Zealand will need to have ... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Ukraine – Ballast water inspection problems

As reported some years ago under the heading "Ukraine Ballast Water Problems in Ports" this still seems to be a problematic issue as BIMCO has received an update from the the Japan Ship Owners' Mutual Protection & Indemnity Association.

Both-to-Blame Collision Clause

BIMCO Both-to-Blame Collision Clause If the Vessel comes into collision with another ship as a result of the negligence of the other ship and any act, neglect or default of the Master, Mariner, Pilot or the servants of the Carrier in the navigation or in the management of the Vessel, the owners of ... Please follow the link to continue reading.


In the 10 years since the ’98 edition was published there have been many developments in the ship management industry – most notable the coming into force of the ISM and ISPS Codes. While SHIPMAN 98 touches upon responsibilities under ISM, much more has been learned about the interplay between the... Please follow the link to continue reading.