BIMCO Search Results

Who is responsible for accounting and reporting a ship’s emissions?

It can be difficult to determine if shipowners or charterers are responsible for accounting and reporting the GHGs emitted by a ship. This article helps determine where the responsibility for accounting and reporting of GHG emissions from ships lies under different types of charter parties.

IMO initiates revision of the CII regulations

Find out the review plan for updated CII regulations, including short-term GHG measures, initiated by IMO's MEPC 80, focusing on data gathering and analysis phases leading to MEPC 83 in 2025.

BIMCO President Sabrina Chao's Seasonal Greeting to members

Dear members, dear BIMCO community Firstly, I hope you, your family, your colleagues, and your seafarers are well despite the disruptions and challenges that the pandemic continues to throw our way. At this time last year, I believe we had all hoped to look back at COVID-19 as a thing of the past on... Please follow the link to continue reading.