BIMCO Search Results

Explanatory notes

Special observations Clause l - Definitions Clause 2 - Period of Charter Party Clause 3 - Delivery Clause 4 - Mobilisation and/or Demobilisation Clause 5 - Substitution Clause 6 - Time for Delivery Clause 7 - Cancelling Clause 8 - Trading Limits Clause 9 -... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

PART I  PART II Clause I - Preamble Clause 2 - Owners’ Responsibility Clause 3 - Deviation  Clause 4 - Payment of Freight Clause 5 - Loading/Discharging Clause 6 - Laytime  Clause 7 - Demurrage Clause 8 - Lien Clause  Clause 9 - Cancelling Clause Clause 1... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

Introduction Part I Part II Clause 1 - Definitions Clause 2 - Appointment of Crew Managers Clause 3 - Basis of Agreement Clause 4 - Crew Insurance Arrangements Clause 5 - Crew Managers’ Obligations Clause 6 - Owners’ Obligations Clause 7 - Crew Management Fee Clause ... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

Introduction Part I Part II Clause 1 - Definitions Clause 2 - Appointment of Crew Managers Clause 3 - Basis of Agreement Clause 4 - Crew Managers’ Obligations Clause 5 - Owners’ Obligations Clause 6 - Crew Management Lump Sum Clause 7 - Trading Restrictions Cl... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

Background The absence of standard arrest clauses in the market has resulted in owners and operators being presented with individually drafted provisions. However, the provisions are often one-sided with charterers having the right to terminate the charter party if the vessel is not released within ... Please follow the link to continue reading.

What’s on the agenda at the upcoming BIMCO Documentary Committee meeting

The BIMCO Documentary Committee (DC) is convening on 11 October to discuss and potentially adopt six crucial projects, including the CII Clause for Voyage Charter Parties, Ship Sales Further Trading Clause, ETS Allowances (ETS) Clause for SHIPMAN, Quiet Enjoyment Letters, SYNACOMEX, and WRECKSTAGE.

Explanatory notes

General observations  Part I Index Appendix A Part II Clause 1 - Period and Delivery Clause 2 - Trading Areas Clause 3- Cargo Restrictions and Exclusions Clause 4 - Redelivery Clause 5 - On/Off hire surveys Clause 6 - Bunkers Clause 7 - Vessel’s Gear ... Please follow the link to continue reading.