BIMCO Search Results

We want your opinion on the new edition of BARGEHIRE

BIMCO has been busy updating BARGEHIRE 2008 and the project is close to completion. But before we finalise and publish the new edition in March, we would like to hear the views of barge owners, operators and charterers. Your comments and views received by 13 January 2021 will help shape a successful... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Changes to specialist General Average Clauses

At its meeting in Rome in June 2017, the Documentary Committee agreed that specialist provisions dealing with the mechanics of General Average should be modified to ensure consistency with user requirements and market arrangements.

We want your opinion on the new edition of BARGEHIRE

BIMCO has been busy updating BARGEHIRE 2008 and the project is close to completion. But before we finalise and publish the new edition in March, we would like to hear the views of barge owners, operators and charterers. Your comments and views received by 13 January 2021 will help shape a successful... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

Background Explanatory Notes Structure Clause 1. Owners, Charterers, Vessel Clause 2. Charterers’ Loading Port(s), Cargo Clause 3. Discha... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

These Explanatory Notes set out the reasoning behind the clauses that are not self-explanatory. The BARECON bareboat charter was first published in 1974. It has become one of BIMCO’s most successful and widely used charter parties and was last updated in 2001. Although BARECON is rarely the subject ... Please follow the link to continue reading.