BIMCO Search Results


The SOVCOALBILL was developed to be used for shipments of coal, coke and coaltarpitch under the Soviet Coal Charter codenamed SOVCOAL.

Explanatory notes

Special observations Part I Part II Clause 1 - Definitions Clause 2 - Duration of the Agreement Clause 3 - Condition of Equipment on Delivery Clause 4 - Condition of Equipment on Redelivery  Clause 5 - Delivery and Redelivery Procedures  Clause 6 - Payment of rent and other ... Please follow the link to continue reading.


The FERTISOVBILL was developed to be used for shipments of fertilisers under the FERTISOV charter party.

Dangerous Goods Container Trailer Packing Certificate

This is a certificate for the packing of dangerous goods into a container, trailer or other vehicle for transport at sea. The latest edition of this certificate is the Dangerous Goods Container/Trailer Packing Certificate, issued in 1984.

New rules for ships calling at Honduran ports

The Honduran Maritime Authority has announced that all vessels visiting Honduran waters or requesting anchoring within the jurisdictional waters of Honduras, need to arrange stand-by marine pollution response with a local oil and HNS spills response organisation (OSRO).

Explanatory notes

Background A declaration of General Average (GA) often leads to time being spent and costs incurred obtaining GA security from individual cargo interests and their insurers. The purpose of the Average Bond Clause is, as far as possible, to minimise the time it takes to obtain such security and reduc... Please follow the link to continue reading.

BIMCO President Sabrina Chao's Seasonal Greeting to members

Dear members, dear BIMCO community Firstly, I hope you, your family, your colleagues, and your seafarers are well despite the disruptions and challenges that the pandemic continues to throw our way. At this time last year, I believe we had all hoped to look back at COVID-19 as a thing of the past on... Please follow the link to continue reading.