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24 Feb Ukraine situation – contractual implications

This short guide highlights some of the key issues that may affect the obligations and rights of contracting parties following developments in the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, with a focus on BIMCO clauses. In all circumstances, parties should carefully review their contractual terms for current and fu... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

Background In October 2009 BIMCO initiated a project to develop a suite of standard bunker clauses for use in time charter parties. The rationale behind developing the suite is simply to address the ever increasing importance of bunker issues in time charter parties and the need to ensure that the r... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

Special observations PART II Clause 1 (Definitions) Clause 2 (Charter Period) Clause 3 (Delivery) Clause 4 (Time for Delivery) Clause 5 (Cancelling) Clause 6 (Trading Restrictions) Clause 7 (Surveys on Delivery and Redelivery) Clause 8 (Inspection) Clause 9 (Inve... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

The following is a brief set of notes describing some of the thinking and underlying principles behind the standard provisions. The descriptions are given to provide assistance to owners, brokers and others interested in the practical use of this charter party. Preamble Clause 1 (Loading Po... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

The development of the Vetting and Inspection Clause formed part of the general task of modernising the 1984 BIMCHEMTIME charter party. However, recognising the potential benefit to the chemical industry of coming up with a good standard vetting and inspection clause, BIMCO decided to prepare the ... Please follow the link to continue reading.


The requirement for a vessel to lie safely aground is still a feature in a number of trades. What is often absent from charter party provisions permitting the vessel to be aground is any measure to verify that the bottom is clear of obstructions or any protection for the owner in terms of damage ari... Please follow the link to continue reading.


The risk of infestation by Flighted Spongy Moth Complex (FSMC) (formerly known as Asian Gypsy Moth (AGM)) is a perennial problem for vessels trading in the Far East during the female moth’s flight season. The risk is particularly high in Korea, Japan, Northern China and the Russian Far East. A numbe... Please follow the link to continue reading.

You need to be more vigilant about sanctions due diligence

Violating sanctions imposed by the EU, UK, US and other countries against Russia and Belarus may cause severe enforcement actions and is potentially very damaging to your business. And with banks now being sanctioned, the situation is even more complex. Everybody wants to comply with the sanction re... Please follow the link to continue reading.