BIMCO Search Results


In January 2010 BIMCO initiated a project to develop slow steaming clauses for use in time and voyage charter parties. While work on the voyage charter party clause is still on-going, the clause for time charter parties was adopted by BIMCO’s Documentary Committee at its meeting in Copenhagen in Nov... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

Preamble Clause 1 - Delivery and Charter Period Clause 2 - Cancellation Clause 3 - Redelivery Clause 8 - Hire Clause 9 - Owners’ Obligations Clause 15 - Charterers’ Obligations Clause 18 - Performance of the Vessel - Speed... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

The following notes are intended to provide an explanation of the reasoning behind the clauses of the BIMCO Bunker Terms 2018 that are not self-explanatory. Clause 1 - Definitions Clause 2 – Specifications/Grades/Quality Clause 3 – Quantities/Measurements Clause 4 – Sampling Cla... Please follow the link to continue reading.