BIMCO Search Results

Explanatory notes

The following notes provide a background to the thinking behind many of the provisions of the charter party and are provided as guiding notes to users: Part I Part II Clause 1 (Warranty) Clause 2 (Voyage) Clause 3 (Delay in giving Loading/Discharging Orders) Clause 4 (Presentation... Please follow the link to continue reading.

20 November: Reshuffling Brazilian holidays

The latest update for Brazil's national holidays. Beginning in 2024, 20 November will be officially recognised as a nationwide holiday. Previously celebrated at lower levels of government, this decision is poised to create a ripple effect, reshaping the landscape of Brazilian holidays. Stay informed... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Tension in the Gulf: The contractual implications

The recent seizures of an Iraqi oil tanker and a UK flagged ship by Iranian authorities have further increased tensions in the Gulf following earlier attacks on tankers in Fujairah and the Gulf of Oman. But what are the contractual implications for ships operating in the area?


Emission trading systems (ETS) are “cap and trade” schemes that permit the emission of greenhouse gases in exchange for allowances. Over time the quantity of allowances available to industry are reduced as an incentive to reduce emissions through increased efficiency and the use of alternative fuels... Please follow the link to continue reading.


The latest edition of this contract is SUPPLYTIME 2017. Copyright in SUPPLYTIME 2017 is held by BIMCO.