BIMCO Search Results

Ice Clause for Voyage Charter Parties 2005

BIMCO Ice Clause for Voyage Charter Parties 2005 The Vessel shall not be obliged to force ice but, subject to the Owners’ approval having due regard to its size, construction and class, may follow ice-breakers. (a) Port of Loading (i) If at any time after setting out on the approach voyage the Vesse... Please follow the link to continue reading.

We want your opinion on the new edition of BARGEHIRE

BIMCO has been busy updating BARGEHIRE 2008 and the project is close to completion. But before we finalise and publish the new edition in March, we would like to hear the views of barge owners, operators and charterers. Your comments and views received by 13 January 2021 will help shape a successful... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Associate membership

BIMCO associate membership is open to educational Institutions, private maritime security companies (PMSCs), law firms, national organisations, suppliers, consultants, etc. Find out prices and more about joining BIMCO as an associate member

Broker membership

Broker membership is open to companies operating as shipbrokers or chartering agents. Find out prices and more about joining BIMCO as a broker member

Dispute Resolution Clause 2017

This is the 2017 edition of the Dispute Resolution Clause. The clause has been developed to re-introduce of the LMAA Intermediate Claims Procedure.


REPAIRCON is the standard contract for use in connection with major ship repairs, in a wet or dry dock, at a shipyard or similar facility. The form was originally issued in 2002. In the light of experience and changes in practice over the intervening period, a Subcommittee, comprising representative... Please follow the link to continue reading.