BIMCO Search Results

O.B.O. (Oil-Bulk-Ore) Carriers Standard Clauses

BIMCO O.B.O. (Oil-Bulk-Ore) Carriers Standard Clauses 1. The Vessel shall be employed in lawful trades for the carriage of crude oil; OR clean petroleum products (delete commodities not applicable) OR dirty petroleum products and other lawful merchandise in bulk in accordance with IMO regulations. T... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Dry Bulk Marine Risk Assessment Clause for Time Charter Parties 2013

BIMCO Dry Bulk Marine Risk Assessment Clause for Time Charter Parties 2013 (a) The Charterers may, at their time, risk, cost and expense, conduct a marine risk assessment of the Vessel in accordance with this Clause. However, the Owners do not warrant or represent that the Vessel is or will be accep... Please follow the link to continue reading.

BIMCO launches new analysis on the wider impact of the dry bulk crisis

BIMCO has today published the next in its series of reports looking at the “road to recovery” for dry bulk shipping beyond the current market difficulties. The foundation for the new report follows the conclusion of BIMCO’s previous analysis – that due to the severity of the current crisis the secto... Please follow the link to continue reading.