BIMCO Search Results

ASBATANKVOY project makes good headway in New York

The joint subcommittee established by BIMCO and the Association of Ship Brokers & Agents (U.S.A.), Inc. (ASBA) met this week in New York to continue its revision of the much-used voyage tanker charter party, ASBATANKVOY, which was last updated in 1977.


INTERCONSEC 76 contains additional clauses for use in relation to tanker consecutive voyages under the TANKERVOY 87 charter party.

On/off-hire survey

MEMBER CONTENT – login using the orange button at the top of the page to view.

Chile - Freight tax

MEMBER CONTENT – login using the orange button at the top of the page to view.

Terms of Use - BIMCO Data Exchange Platform

 Version 1.0, Date: December 2019. Scope This contract covers data supplied by BIMCO or BIMCO Informatique A/S via our Data Exchange Platform, Data Service Layer or Bespoke Datasets. Examples of such are BIMCO Holiday Calendar and Working Hours Information, BIMCO Port Information, BIMCO Freight Tax ... Please follow the link to continue reading.

ASBAGASVOY charter party near completion

The subcommittee set up by BIMCO and the Association of Ship Brokers & Agents (U.S.A.), Inc. (ASBA) to develop a new gas tanker voyage charter party (ASBAGASVOY) has agreed on a final draft which will be presented for adoption by the BIMCO Documentary Committee at its next meeting on 22 September.