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The latest edition of this contract is BOXTIME 2004.

Explanatory notes

Background In October 2009 BIMCO initiated a project to develop a suite of standard bunker clauses for use in time charter parties. The rationale behind developing the suite is simply to address the ever increasing importance of bunker issues in time charter parties and the need to ensure that the r... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

Background In January 2010 BIMCO initiated a project to develop slow steaming clauses for use in time and voyage charter parties. A clause for time charter parties was adopted by BIMCO’s Documentary Committee and published by Special Circular on 7 December 2011. A version for voyage charter parties ... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

The Automated Export System (AES) is a joint venture between the foreign trade division of the US Census Bureau; the US Customs and Border Protection; and a number of other federal agencies. AES is the reciprocal system to the US Customs AMS (Advance Manifest System) covered by BIMCO’s newly publish... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Stoppage of Canals and Waterways Clause 1968 (Code Name: CONWAY)

BIMCO Stoppage of Canals and Waterways Clause 1968 (Code Name: CONWAY) A. If at any time before loading is completed or the vessel sails from the loading port, it appear that the vessel would be delayed for not less than ....... days by circumstances beyond the Owners' control in proceeding through ... Please follow the link to continue reading.

The contractual implications of COVID-19 on crew changes and port restrictions

At times of port restrictions and situations where a crew may be infected or fall ill with COVID-19, it has become apparent that the obligations and rights of contracting parties need to be clarified. The main takeaway from the situation is that parties to a contract should communicate and cooperate... Please follow the link to continue reading.