BIMCO Search Results

BIMCO adopts SHIPMAN 2024

BIMCO officially adopts SHIPMAN 2024, the revised version of its widely used ship management agreement, following a comprehensive two-year review process involving key stakeholders in the maritime industry.

Terms of Use

Shipping KPI Standard Version 4.0 and SHIP PI platform , Date: May  2024

Customised inhouse training

BIMCO delivers training programmes which are tailored to suit your objectives and requirements. The topics offered are based but not limited to our current course programmes or topics. BIMCO offers courses on a specific business area. Together with your company, we can design the programme to match ... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Update on work to develop ETS Allowances Clause for SHIPMAN

The subcommittee tasked with the revision of BIMCO’s suite of third party management contracts continues its work to develop a standard Emission Trading Scheme Allowances (ETSA) Clause for use with the popular ship management agreement SHIPMAN.

ETS – SHIPMAN Emission Trading Scheme Allowances Clause 2023

The purpose of this clause is to allocate the costs and responsibilities for obtaining, transferring and surrendering emission allowances for ships operating under an emission scheme, such as the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS), in a ship management context. The clause has been developed for use... Please follow the link to continue reading.

CREWMAN review off to a good start

Work to update BIMCO’s two standard crew management agreements, CREWMAN A and CREWMAN B, has started this week. The aim is to have both revised contracts ready for use in spring 2025.

BIMCO adopts portfolio of four ETS clauses

BIMCO’s Documentary Committee has adopted a new Emission Trading Scheme Allowances Clause for BIMCO’s ship management agreement, SHIPMAN, and three ETS clauses for Voyage Charter Parties.

USCG A closer look at NVIC 01-18 and BWMS compliance date extensions

The USCG recently published Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular (NVIC) 01-18, “Ballast Water Management For Control Of Non-Indigenous Species In Waters Of The United States.” Further to the NVIC 01-18 have the USCG published guidance on the NVIC 01-18 regarding requests for compliance extensio... Please follow the link to continue reading.