BIMCO Search Results

Revision of the IMO biofouling guidelines

BIMCO's Dr Bev Mackenzie reports on the revision of the IMO biofouling guidelines agreed at the 10th meeting of the IMO sub-committee on pollution, prevention and response

Initial draft of CONWARTIME 2013 now ready

War risks subcommittee, after a productive meeting at West P&I's London offices, successfully concludes the initial draft of CONWARTIME 2013 as part of the ongoing War Risks Clause review.

BIMCO addresses the grey area of grey water

Grey water is an often disregarded emission to the sea from ships but presents a potential source of both contaminants and microplastics. The new BIMCO position aims to clarify a way forward for the shipping industry and defines how we will support our members wishing to take action to reduce their... Please follow the link to continue reading.