BIMCO Search Results

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Final notice on IDEA closure

IDEA will be shut down at midnight between 31 December 2019 and 1 January 2020 CET.  It is impossible to execute a contract using IDEA after that time. 

SEV-GUARDCON published

BIMCO’s new standard contract for security escort vessels, SEV-GUARDCON, is now available on SmartCon and the BIMCO website, accompanied by explanatory notes.

BIMCO seeks industry help to combat fake contracts

Much of the shipping industry relies on BIMCO standard contracts. The contracts provide a familiar and secure contractual base on which parties can freely negotiate. However, the trust in the standard forms is undermined by fake copies that contain errors or even deliberately hidden changes to the w... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Contract Authenticity Clause

The purpose of the BIMCO Contract Authenticity Clause is to encourage parties issuing contracts based on a BIMCO form to agree to use one obtained from an authorised source (such as SmartCon).