BIMCO Search Results

O.B.O. (Oil-Bulk-Ore) Carriers Standard Clauses

BIMCO O.B.O. (Oil-Bulk-Ore) Carriers Standard Clauses 1. The Vessel shall be employed in lawful trades for the carriage of crude oil; OR clean petroleum products (delete commodities not applicable) OR dirty petroleum products and other lawful merchandise in bulk in accordance with IMO regulations. T... Please follow the link to continue reading.

26 Oct 2021 - Chinese coal and iron ore imports down from last year

Despite the very strong freight rates and the apparently tight market, the all-important driver for dry bulk shipping, China, has in fact seen imports of its two largest dry bulk commodities shrink year-on-year so far this year. The two largest imported commodities for China, iron ore and coal are h... Please follow the link to continue reading.