BIMCO Search Results

What’s on the agenda at the upcoming BIMCO Documentary Committee meeting

The BIMCO Documentary Committee (DC) is convening on 11 October to discuss and potentially adopt six crucial projects, including the CII Clause for Voyage Charter Parties, Ship Sales Further Trading Clause, ETS Allowances (ETS) Clause for SHIPMAN, Quiet Enjoyment Letters, SYNACOMEX, and WRECKSTAGE.


In our base case scenario, we expect global dry bulk cargo volume to grow between 1.5% and 2.5% in 2023 and between 1% and 2% in 2024. Average haul is expected to increase between 0.5% and 1.5% in 2023, driven by sanctions on Russian coal and higher iron ore and grain shipments from Brazil. In July... Please follow the link to continue reading.


We predict that global dry bulk demand will grow between 1.5% and 2.5% in 2023, and between 1% and 2% in 2024.   Average haul is estimated to increase slightly, contributing between 0% and 1% tonne miles in 2023. Sailing distances for coal increased due to sanctions on Russian coal, which came i... Please follow the link to continue reading.