BIMCO Search Results

Cargo Fumigation Clause for Charter Parties 2015

BIMCO Cargo Fumigation Clause for Charter Parties 2015 a) The Charterers shall have the option to fumigate the cargo in the Vessel’s holds in port and/or at anchorage and/or in transit. Such fumigation shall be performed always in accordance with IMO Recommendations on the Safe Use of Pesticides in ... Please follow the link to continue reading.

MLC 2006 Clause for SUPPLYTIME 89

For the purposes of this Clause: “MLC” means the International Labour Organization (ILO) Maritime Labour Convention (MLC 2006) and any amendment thereto or substitution thereof. “Charterers’ Personnel” shall mean any employees, directors, officers, servants, agents or invitees of eac... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Associate membership

BIMCO associate membership is open to educational Institutions, private maritime security companies (PMSCs), law firms, national organisations, suppliers, consultants, etc. Find out prices and more about joining BIMCO as an associate member

Broker membership

Broker membership is open to companies operating as shipbrokers or chartering agents. Find out prices and more about joining BIMCO as a broker member

Fostering law enforcement/trade cooperation

Highlighting the urgent need for improved law enforcement/trade cooperation, information sharing, and industry collaboration, this article delves into the discussions on the surge in drug smuggling via ships and its impact on seafarers. Key takeaways from anti-drug smuggling symposium in Houston, Ja... Please follow the link to continue reading.

BIMCO tackling safety challenges around sulphur cap at IMO

The safety challenges connected with the implementation of the 0.50% sulphur cap are numerous, but not insurmountable. The issues are to some extent known from the implementation of the sulphur emission control areas (SECA) in 2015, among others loss of power, leaking fuel and lower flashpoints. Oth... Please follow the link to continue reading.