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TOWHIRE is the industry standard contract for ocean towage on a daily hire basis. In the latest revision, it has undergone a thorough revision to clarify ambiguities and has been restructured to make it easier to use. TOWHIRE has been aligned with TOWCON as far as possible to ensure consistency. How... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

The following Explanatory Notes are intended to highlight some of the key issues and provisions of BIMCHEMTIME 2005 and to provide background information in respect of the thinking behind some of the clauses. Layout Commercial provisions Preamble and Clause 1 (Charter Period) Clause 2 (Port... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

The following notes are intended to provide some of the thinking behind the provisions of GUARDCON. Nature of the Contract SECTION 1 – Basis of the Contract 1. Definitions 2. Commencement, Appointment and Duration SECTION 2 – Security Services 3. Security Services 4. Engagement of... Please follow the link to continue reading.


BIMCO has developed the ROPAXTIME time charter party for passenger-carrying RoRo ferries. It was approved for publication by BIMCO's Documentary Committee on 3 June 2015 in Edinburgh. Before the publication of ROPAXTIME, those involved in the RoPax trade were using heavily amended standard time char... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

The development of the Vetting and Inspection Clause formed part of the general task of modernising the 1984 BIMCHEMTIME charter party. However, recognising the potential benefit to the chemical industry of coming up with a good standard vetting and inspection clause, BIMCO decided to prepare the ... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Paul Dean

Paul is Global Head of Shipping at HFW managing 200 specialist shipping lawyers across a worldwide network of 20 offices. Paul specialises in offshore and marine, focusing mainly on charter parties, bills of lading, shipbuilding, rig disputes, collisions, fire and explosion, salvage, general average... Please follow the link to continue reading.


In the offshore windfarm sector, installation and support functions are entirely reliant on the use of specialised vessels ranging from jack-ups to small, high-speed passenger craft. Up until the publication of WINDTIME, offshore wind farm developers have contracted the services of these vessels usi... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

Introduction General background Special observations Part I Index Part II Clause 1 - Period of Charter Party and Delivery Clause 2 - Owners' Undertaking Clause 3 - Trading Limits Clause 4 - Permitted Cargoes Clause 5 - Owners' Obligations Clause 6 - Charterers' Obligat... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

Structure Part I Part II SECTION 1 – Basis of the Contract Clause 1 (Definitions) Clause 2 (Commencement, Appointment and Duration) SECTION 2 – Security Services Clause 3 (Security Services) Clause 4 (Engagement of Security Services) Clause 5 (Changes to the Security Services) Clause 6 (Security Es... Please follow the link to continue reading.