BIMCO Search Results

Explanatory notes

The development of the Vetting and Inspection Clause formed part of the general task of modernising the 1984 BIMCHEMTIME charter party. However, recognising the potential benefit to the chemical industry of coming up with a good standard vetting and inspection clause, BIMCO decided to prepare the ... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

Special observations Part I Part II Clause 1 - Vessel Clause 2 - First Layday, Present Position and Expected Load Readiness Clause 3 - Cancelling Clause 4 - Subletting, Assigning Clause 5 - Substitution Clause 6 - Cargo Clause 7 - Advance Notices Clause 8 - Port of ... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Denmark - Sewage

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Explanatory notes

Basic features Face of the document Standard terms and conditions Clause 1 - Definitions Clause 2 - Carrier’s Tariff Clause 3 - Law and Jurisdiction Clause 4  - Methods and Routes of Transportation Clause 5 - Stowage Clause 6  - Hindrances, etc. affecting Performance ... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory Notes

The clause comprehensively sets out a complete code to address force majeure with a detailed and up to date definition of force majeure events. The rationale is that when a force majeure event occurs, the parties will find themselves in a crisis situation and will benefit from a contractual regime a... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Nigerian piracy can be managed

On 4 June BIMCO, together with ICS, IMCA, ITF and OCIMF, had arranged a symposium about piracy in the Gulf of Guinea. The symposium came to the conclusion that the Nigerian piracy problem occurs in a small area and can be solved if Nigeria wants it.

Explanatory notes

GENCOA is designed using the well-known BIMCO box layout pattern with the form consisting of two main parts: a box layout in Part I and the main terms and conditions in Part II. Part l     Part II Preamble Clause 1 - Subject of Contract Clause 2 - Total Quantity/ Number of Shipments ... Please follow the link to continue reading.