BIMCO Search Results

Personal Data Protection Clause for SUPPLYTIME 2017

BIMCO Personal Data Protection Clause for SUPPLYTIME 2017 For the purposes of this Clause: “Data Subject” means any identified or identifiable natural person, including Crew and Employees. “Personal Data” means any information relating to any Data Subject connected with the performance of this Chart... Please follow the link to continue reading.


TOWHIRE is an international ocean towage agreement on a daily hire basis. The form is aimed at the commercial towage sector and is not intended for use in port towing. The latest edition of this contract is TOWHIRE 2021. Copyright in TOWHIRE 2008 is held by BIMCO.


TOWCON is an ocean towage agreement on a lump sum basis. It is not intended for use in port towing. The latest edition of this contract is TOWCON 2021. Copyright in TOWCON 2021 is held by BIMCO.