BIMCO Search Results


The latest edition of this bill of lading is HEAVYLIFTVOYBILL 2016.


The latest edition of this bill of lading is GRAINCONBILL 2016.


The GERMANCON-NORTH bill of lading was developed to be used for shipments of coal under The Baltic and International Maritime Conference German Coal Charter 1957.


The latest edition of this bill of lading is HEAVYCONBILL 2016.


The latest edition of this bill of lading is HYDROBILL 2017.


The latest edition of this bill of lading is HEAVYCONBILL 2016. Copyright in HEAVYCONBILL 2007 is held by BIMCO.

Unit Limitation Clause

BIMCO Unit Limitation Clause The Carrier shall be entitled to limit his liability in damages for loss or damage to or in connection with transportation of goods, a) where U.S. Law applies, to US $ 500 per package or other customary freight Unit,   b) where any other law applies, to its package or ... Please follow the link to continue reading.


The latest edition of this bill of lading is CONGENBILL 2022. Copyright in CONGENBILL 94 is held by BIMCO.

Contracts and clauses

BIMCO’s wide range of contracts and clauses cover every aspect of shipping activities, including charter parties, bills of lading, finance and offshore contracts.