BIMCO Search Results


The MUNTAJATBILL replaces the QAFCOBILL and was developed to be used for shipments of fertilisers under the MUNTAJATCHARTER voyage charter party. The latest edition of this bill of lading is MUNTAJATBILL, issued in 2014.


The CONGENBILL is a charter party bill of lading for shipments of general cargo under the GENCON charter party. The latest edition of this bill of lading is CONGENBILL 2022. Copyright in CONGENBILL 2022 is held by BIMCO.


The CEMENTVOYBILL is a charter party bill of lading to be used with the CEMENTVOY charter party for the transportation of bulk cement. The latest edition of this bill of lading is CEMENTVOYBILL 2016. This amended edition incorporates the International Group of P&I Clubs/BIMCO Himalaya Clause for Bil... Please follow the link to continue reading.


The INTANKBILL bill of lading was developed to be used for shipments under tanker voyage charter parties.


The HEAVYLIFTVOYBILL is a charter party bill of lading to be used for shipments under the HEAVYLIFTVOY charter party. The latest edition of this bill of lading is HEAVYLIFTVOYBILL 2016. This amended edition incorporates the International Group of P&I Clubs/BIMCO Himalaya Clause for Bills of Lading a... Please follow the link to continue reading.


The CHEMTANKVOYBILL was developed to be used for shipments of chemicals under the CHEMTANKVOY charter party. The latest edition of this bill of lading is the CHEMTANKVOYBILL 1991.


The BIMCHEMVOYBILL is a charter party bill of lading for parcel shipments of chemicals carried under the BIMCHEMVOY voyage charter party for the transportation of chemicals in tank vessels. The latest edition of this bill of lading is BIMCHEMVOYBILL 2016. This amended edition incorporates the Inter... Please follow the link to continue reading.


The AUSTWHEATBILL is a charter party bill of lading for shipments of wheat carried under the Australian Wheat Board’s AUSTWHEAT 1990 Charter Party. The government-owned Australian Wheat Board (AWB) is now defunct. The latest edition of this bill of lading is from 1990. AUSTWHEATBILL is not availabl... Please follow the link to continue reading.


The HYDROBILL bill of lading was developed to be used for shipments under the HYDROCHARTER. The latest edition of this bill of lading is HYDROBILL 2017.