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The latest edition of this contract is SUPPLYTIME 2017. Copyright in SUPPLYTIME 2017 is held by BIMCO.

Personal Data Protection Clause for SUPPLYTIME 2017

BIMCO Personal Data Protection Clause for SUPPLYTIME 2017 For the purposes of this Clause: “Data Subject” means any identified or identifiable natural person, including Crew and Employees. “Personal Data” means any information relating to any Data Subject connected with the performance of this Chart... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Tony Concagh

Tony is a partner at Adams&Moore Solicitors LLP, London. For more than 20 years, Tony Concagh has been a premier legal advisor to the offshore energy industry and has represented many of its best-known companies. He has been described by his clients in legal directories as “tough and commercial”, “t... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Documentary Committee approves new SUPPLYTIME

The spring meeting of the Documentary Committee, chaired by Francis Sarre, was held in Rome on 6 June. The sixty-strong committee discussed an extensive and diverse range of documentary projects and approved for publication three new contracts and one clause.

Dynamic Precision at Sea: BIMCO publishes DP Annex for SUPPLYTIME 2017

BIMCO achieves a milestone with the release of the Dynamic Positioning Annex for SUPPLYTIME 2017, reinforcing its commitment to elevated contractual standards in the shipping industry by providing a standardized framework for DP systems in the offshore sector, enhancing clarity and guidance for sta... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

Structure Annex A – Vessel Specification  Annex B – Insurance Definitions Clause 1 (Charter Period) Clause 2 (Delivery and Redelivery) Clause 3 (Condition of Ship) Clause 4 (Structural Alterations and Additional Equipment) Clause 5 (Surveys, Audits and Inspe... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

BIMCO Personal Data Protection Clause The BIMCO Personal Data Protection Clause has been developed in response to concerns raised by owners, ship and crew managers and operators about the implications of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and similar legislation. It addresses the need ... Please follow the link to continue reading.