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The CONGENBILL is a charter party bill of lading for shipments of general cargo under the GENCON charter party. The latest edition of this bill of lading is CONGENBILL 2022. Copyright in CONGENBILL 2022 is held by BIMCO.

Explanatory notes

Explanatory Notes The following explanatory notes are intended to explain the drafting team’s thinking behind some of the key clauses. This document is intended as a living document and as BIMCO receives questions on some of the clauses, the notes will be expanded. Structure The contract is divided ... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Key topics discussed at BIMCO’s February Documentary Committee meeting

BIMCO’s approval body for contracts and clauses gathered on 23 February to discuss a highly topical agenda. Two contracts of affreightment and a contract for conversion work on ships were adopted. Split views on whether adopting the ETSA Clause was premature postponed the adoption of this clause.

Explanatory notes

GENCOA B 2022 – Explanatory notes OVERVIEW GENCOA B 2022 is a standard contract of affreightment for dry bulk cargoes. It is one of two versions of GENCOA revising the latest version of the contract issued in 2004: GENCOA A - a framework contract that can be used with different voyage charter par... Please follow the link to continue reading.