BIMCO Search Results

Round Table looks at industry challenges

The Chairpersons of the Round Table of international shipping associations (RT) met in Rome in February to discuss current issues and coordinate efforts going into the new decade, widely billed to become one of the most important in shipping’s history.

Closing brief PPR 4

The fourth session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR 4) met in London from 16 to 20 January 2017. This report gives a brief overview of most important items, which were debated.

BIMCO addresses the grey area of grey water

Grey water is an often disregarded emission to the sea from ships but presents a potential source of both contaminants and microplastics. The new BIMCO position aims to clarify a way forward for the shipping industry and defines how we will support our members wishing to take action to reduce their... Please follow the link to continue reading.