BIMCO Search Results

Ballast water management regulatory overview and considerations

The IMO BWM Convention enters into force on 8 September 2017 and shipowners, crews and shore side stakeholders - sooner rather than later - should start planning and implementing the required procedures for the safe and compliant handling of ballast water.

US heading for changes to ballast water management bill

The US Senate has approved changes to the VIDA Bill (formerly known as Commercial Vessel Incidental Discharge Act, CVIDA), creating a new approach for regulating ballast water discharges from vessels while recognizing special regional situations.

Analysis of the USCG Ballast Water Management (BWM) Extension Program

The  USCG has recently modified its policy with regards to the granting of extended compliance dates for Ballast Water management systems. Analysis and information on these changes have been kindly provided by the Chamber of Shipping of America (CSA) as well as a USCG document on Highlights and Tips... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Shipmaster's Ballast Water Manual 2.0

The background for this publication is the new regulations relating to ballast water that have changed dramatically in recent years and the operational aspect of the running of a ship has undergone a major overhaul.

Ukraine – Ballast water inspection problems

As reported some years ago under the heading "Ukraine Ballast Water Problems in Ports" this still seems to be a problematic issue as BIMCO has received an update from the the Japan Ship Owners' Mutual Protection & Indemnity Association.