BIMCO Search Results

Persian Gulf: War risks revisited

As a result of increasing tension in the Persian Gulf area following recent attacks on two tankers, War Risk underwriters are charging additional premiums (AP) for calls to the Arabian Gulf/Gulf of Oman. Some underwriters are charging a flat rate for all tonnage operating in the area, while others a... Please follow the link to continue reading.

BIMCO issues update on Persian Gulf tensions and sanctions clauses

After the killing of General Qassem Soleimani by a US drone in early January 2020, and the following retaliation by Iran, BIMCO is publishing its view of the escalated tension in the Persian Gulf, as well as advice regarding the new sanctions clauses, and encourages owners, operators and charterers ... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Tension in the Gulf: The contractual implications

The recent seizures of an Iraqi oil tanker and a UK flagged ship by Iranian authorities have further increased tensions in the Gulf following earlier attacks on tankers in Fujairah and the Gulf of Oman. But what are the contractual implications for ships operating in the area?