2024 Biofouling Management Technology Forum

  • 25 September 2024
  • 25 September 2024
  • Shanghai
  • China
  • Ashok Srinivasan
  • asr@bimco.org

Ashok Srinivasan, Regional Manager South Asia & Technical Manager at BIMCO, is speaking at the 2024 Biofouling Management Technology Forum in Shanghai.

Biofouling has become a worldwide problem of widespread concern because of its widespread impact and the complexity of combating it. Especially in recent years, with the economic and social development of the sea, all kinds of new underwater marine facilities and equipment are constantly put into use, biofouling is becoming a limiting condition or even a bottleneck factor that restricts the safe and effective operation of many underwater facilities and equipment. In July 2023, the Marine Environment Protection Committee of the International Maritime Organisation, at its 80th session MEPC 80, adopted the Code for the Control and Management of Biofouling from Ships 2023 (Biofouling Code).

On this background, Biofouling Management Technology Forum will be held on September 25th in Shanghai China. The event is hosted by China Waterborne Transport Research Institute and China Institute of Navigation Professional Committee on Environmental Protection and Ecology in Shipping, supported by BIMCO and China Shipowners' Association.

Key topics:

  • Biofouling regulations and requirements in the shipping industry
  • Introduction of BIMCO's standard on in-water standard
  • The relationship between biofouling and vessel performance
  • Effect of antifouling paints on biofouling
  • Underwater Cleaning Inspection Standards and Technical Methods
  • New Product Introduction of Marine Growth Prevention System (MGPS) for Ships


  • IMO (Speaker TBD)
  • Ashok Srinivasan, Regional Manager South Asia & Technical Manager, BIMCO
  • Wen Jiapeng, Senior Engineer, China Waterborne Transport Research Institute
  • Xia Zhi, Assistant General Manager Shanghai, COSCO
  • Pan Jincheng, Senior Engineer, CCS
  • Duan Jizhou, Deputy Director, Key Laboratory of Corrosion and Biofouling in Marine Environment Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • JOTUN (Speaker TBD)

The forum will invite companies from maritime organisations, ship owners, classification societies, water treatment/wastewater management, inspection companies, data monitoring, hullcleaning, automatic , cleaning robots and UAVs, environmentally friendly marine coatings, ship management and other related fields.

BIMCO's members can participate free of charge.

For BIMCO members to participate in the conference - please get in touch with: 

Jerry Lu
2024 Biofouling Management Technology Forum
TEL: +86-21-66055390
MOB:+86 13361980731
Email: jerry.lu@mbc-sh.com