Henning Nielsen retires

Henning Nielsen collage

“I’ve seen BIMCO go from being perceived as stuffy and old-fashioned to becoming a dynamic, proactive organisation,” Henning says. “It’s been such a pleasure to work here and see all the changes over the years and be part of the development the organisation has undergone”.

Henning has been a leading light in the Support & Advice team, helping countless members make sense of contractual issues as well as company information and BIMCO’s intervention service.

With Henning’s vast commercial and contractual experience, he has saved members a lot of time and money by advising them on issues that might otherwise have been taken to arbitration or the courts. Søren Larsen, Deputy Secretary General of BIMCO, who has worked closely with Henning for over 30 years, says: “Henning’s role helping members whenever they were in need of contractual guidance on charter parties, bills of lading and other contracts cannot be overstated. I can't begin to count how many people I’ve met on my travels around the world who have asked me to bring back greetings to Henning with a warm ‘thank you’ for his assistance.”

In line with BIMCO’s policy to retain the knowledge and wisdom of experienced, senior staff, he’s not only postponed his retirement by four years but also worked part-time, thus ensuring a smooth handover at work and an even smoother transition to retirement with his wife.

All of us at BIMCO wish Henning all the best for his extremely well-earned – and delayed – retirement!